Morgan Smith had had a BDSM relationship with a Northport Florida man, Daryl Smith. It was a long term relationship that produced a child. Daryl met a new woman, Andrea Stranko. Morgan attacked Andrea with a hatchet and Daryl ended all contact with Morgan. To her credit, Morgan attempted to confess, but plead insanity. God only knows what Daryl had put her through and he can hardly be portrayed as an innocent victim. Texas has a "they needed killing" defense, but Florida does not. She was not able to plead insanity. Morgan was found guilty of first-degree murder, and sentenced to life. You can write her at: Morgan Smith 164017 Homestead CI 19000 S. W. 377th Street Florida City, Florida 33034-6409 Find Other Inmate Penpals American Monster | For My Man | Murder Comes to Town | Fatal Attraction Inmates
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