In Season 13, Episode 9, Virginia
Caudill is featured on Blood Money. This is the story of how Virginia
Caudill committed Murder upon Lonetta White with her partner,
Johnathon Goforth.
Virginia Caudill was convicted/plead
guilty to Murder and was sentenced to Death.
You can write to Virginia Caudill at:
Virginia Caudill 144124
Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women
P.O. Box 337
Pewee Valley, KY 40056
P.O. Box 337
Pewee Valley, KY 40056
According to the state, Virginia Caudill and Jonathon Goforth broke into Lonetta White’s home and beat her to death with a hammer when she refused to give them money to buy drugs. After ransacking her home for valuables, they wrapped her body in a carpet and loaded it in the trunk of her own car. They drove the car to an empty field, doused it with gasoline, and set it on fire. An autopsy revealed that she died from massive head injuries, including blows that caved in parts of her skul
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I cut and colored her hair