The show is titled Malicious Hearts and Discovery ID's Deadly Women describes as Angela McAnulty imprisons and tortures her daughter who dies at the age of 15; a woman uses arsenic to poison 17 members of her community.
Angela McAnulty was convicted of murder, altering
and destroying evidence with and sentenced to Death . She is not eligible
for release.
She won an appeal in 2011, but remains
on death row.
You can write to Angela McAnulty at:
Angela McAnulty 18255985
Coffee Creek Correctional Facility
24499 SW Grahams Ferry Road
Coffee Creek Correctional Facility
24499 SW Grahams Ferry Road
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070
At the end of the day, if you do not
learn to listen to your gut when it comes to the safety of a child, you never will. Someone somewhere knew this was happening and should have acted by contacting Child Protective Services. Many parents are not good parents, but do not commit crimes. This child disappeared from public view. That's a huge red flag.
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